After Wandering about Vegas, I decide to enter the 'side-quest for experience' side of life, and head on over to the brotherhood, they're quite good for some simple quest lines that are moderately quick to do.
Now, when I say moderately quick, I overstate that would be for a normal character... after only the very easiest parts (the situation in Hidden Valley etc) I realise that my character is very much incapable of anything else.
I go hunting for the lost Paladins, one set is easy to find, and only made 'dangerous' by some Centaurs, which can easily be killed...
... by anyone with a gun! For me however, it was quite some struggle, and a struggle I almost lost!
Video Time :D
After roughing my way to the Paladins I find that my efforts are good but I cannot proceed due to a lack of lock picking capability for the next location!
I head to Novac for some major medical attention and then head up to Nellis Airforce Base, this in turn starts me on the Boomers quests, and once again I think to myself... these are easy! mostly fetch and carry ... right?
So I start off doing a few quests for the Boomers, at the same time, thanks to a trip to the HELIOS solar plant the I get re-side-tracked onto the Brotherhood Quest line... (at this stage I was really just doing anything I was capable of... which meant swapping and changing my quest on the fly)
I wrap up the parts I can and then take some time to think... I'm stuck, genuinely stuck. but I need experience points so I can advance levels such that I can get the skills to continue!
What a conundrum

I'm not entirely sure which faction to play for at this stage so, it's open season for Platinum Chip holders like myself. I arrive at the Fort do all the dialogue crap that is required and head into the bunker on which the Fort sits.
I enter the bunker and it suddenly strikes me. This will not be easy, robots are tough, I'm not... lasers hurt, and being constantly radiated leaves a sour taste in my mouth. It irks me, but I again change my mind, deciding I need additional perks before I can properly consider combating multiple robots and possible the Legion.

Instead I wrap up the session by heading to Gomorrah and doing everything I can to grab experience, this is probably where I should have started this session, but hindsight etc etc...
Thanks to all the random little bits of experience I have managed to get I tick level 13 and call it a night.
Character Detail:
Level 13
Unarmed Skill 66
Combat Armour Mk2, Combat Helmet Mk2 (reinforced)
- both bits of armour really need to be repaired...